Sunday, April 22, 2018

English Grammar

Hi again,

I know everyone needs practice with grammar. Here are a few websites that I hope will help you. Let me know which ones you think are the best ! Good luck !!!





What is Life Like in Antarctica ?

Hi class,

Here is a link to last week's reading - What is Life Like in Antarctica ?

Did you enjoy watching a few minutes of: March of the Penguins ? I just checked and there is a new film that continues the story that came out in January is a trailer:

March of the Penguins 2

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Who Was Andrew Carnegie ?

Hi class,

Here is a link to my recording of the reading we did last week.

Who Was Andrew Carnegie ?

Here is more information about Andrew Carnegie from

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Using commas with "and" in a list.....

Hi again,

On Thursday we had an exercise to practice using commas (,) with lists. Our book showed us examples where you always use a comma before the word "and" in lists of three or more things. Here is an example:

I like to eat apples, oranges, and bananas.  ( it is correct to use a comma before "and")

but, after checking on the internet, I found it is also correct:

 to drop the comma before the word "and", so....

I like to eat apples, oranges and bananas.  (no comma before "and" is correct)

Therefore, you have a choice to use a comma or not use a comma before the word "and" when you  write a list of three or more things.

There are other rules about using commas with "and". You need to use a comma before "and" when you are connecting two independent clauses.


I go to school in the morning, and I work in the afternoon.

However, if you are connecting an independent clause and a dependent clause, don't use a comma.
(A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.)


I turned on the stove and put the pan in.

(don't use a comma before "and" because the second part of the sentence is a "dependent" clause.)

Here is a link to a good website ( that explains using commas before and:

Rules for using commas before "and".

Tornadoes and The Wizard of Oz !

Hi class,

Last week we read about Tornadoes. Here is the reading again if you want to listen again.

What is Tornado Alley ?

Here is the scene we watched from the Wizard of Oz:

Dorothy goes home during the tornado...

The Wizard of Oz is a very famous American movie that came out in 1939. It is considered a children's story but many adults love it too ! I will bring the DVD to class so we can watch it and talk about it together ! It was a favorite movie for my sisters and I when we were growing up ! There are a lot of famous quotes from the movie that people "I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"...this is what Dorothy says to her dog Toto when she wakes up from the tornado scene...and it has changed over time to mean something like: you are in a new, strange, or uncomfortable place that you don't understand.

Dorothy says: "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. We must be over the rainbow."

Judy Garland, the actress who plays Dorothy in the movie, was also a great American singer. One of her most famous songs, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, comes from this movie. Here is a video of her singing the song from the movie:

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Some people say that this song is about hope...and that someday, the bad times will be over.

I'm glad our reading mentioned this movie because it's a beautiful story and says a lot about American culture. It will be fun to watch it and talk about it !

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Vocabulary words for personality characteristics

Hello !

Yesterday, we were working on a pronunciation exercise about 's' endings and listened to a description of identical twins.

We talked about the word: "characteristic". It  means:

 a special quality or trait that makes a person, thing, or group different from others

These qualities can be physical or genetic characteristics or personality characteristics.

Here is a good website that has lists of positive and negative personality adjectives that you can look at:

Positive Personality Adjectives

Negative Personality Adjectives

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Great Wall

Hi everyone ! Here is the recording of me reading The Great Wall.

It's interesting to think about walls. How were walls used in the past ? How are they used now ?

We talked about the Berlin Wall. Here is a very short video about The Berlin Wall in Germany.